Course Difficulty Levels




  • requires no prerequisites, no specific knowledge or skills before taking this course,
  • provides a high-level introduction to a topic with no technical details,
  • defines basic concepts or presents the terminology of a discipline,
  • requires simple calculations, if any, and
  • provides limited opportunities to apply basic concepts and tools to real-life scenarios.

  • may require course(s) of foundation level difficulty as a prerequisite(s), 
  • provides some depth of a subject with some technical details,
  • completes tasks that require multi-step calculation or analysis, if any, and
  • provides ample opportunities to apply concepts and tools to real-life scenarios.



  • may require course(s) of foundation and intermediate level difficulty as a prerequisite(s), 
  • dives deep into specific subjects and explores different aspects of the topic in detailed examples,
  • completes tasks that require multi-step calculation or analysis, if any, and
  • provides ample opportunities to apply concepts, tools, and techniques to resolve relatively complex real-life scenarios.

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  • may require course(s) of intermediate and advanced level difficulty as a prerequisite(s), 
  • integrates knowledge from different classes, and
  • provides ample opportunities to apply concepts, tools, and techniques to resolve complex business scenarios.

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